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2016-09-14 15:56:15   来源:   点击:    编辑:sunying
    9月13日下午,Hellenic American University 来我院国际合作交流中心进行访问和交流。我院国际合作中心主任孙颖接待了Nicholas Christodoulopoulos一行,双方在第四会议室就两校间的合作办学和校际文化进行了初步交流。
    首先,孙颖代表学院向Nicholas Christodoulopoulos 一行表示热烈的欢迎,介绍了合肥财经职业学院的办学情况和国际交流情况,并强调中希合作办学有十分良好的基础,在教育方面也有很多成功的合作案例,希望两校的合作能够取得良好的效果。希望双方在合作领域、合作内容和模式上开拓创新,为更多往来留学生搭建平台,携手培养更多服务于中希两国友好事业的优秀人才。


     Hellenic American University was established as a United States institution of higher education on 2004 through an Act of the General Court of the State of New Hampshire. This legislation created a fully American university chartered in the Granite State.

    Hellenic American University’s undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral programs are regulated, approved, and regularly monitored by the New Hampshire’s Department of Education, Division of Higher Education -- Higher Education Commission. Hellenic American University is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) through its Commission on Institutions of Higher Education.

上一篇:【合财国际班】插上语言的翅膀 来到雅思的课堂
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